1 year ago

The owl's symbolism with the occult and secret knowledge has a long history. Since the times of the Greeks and Romans, the owl – ruler of the night – was a guardian of the underworlds inhabited by the demons. An owl was always on the shoulder of Minerva and Athena, goddesses of wisdom and learning, symbolizing the occult knowledge of the pagan gods. Since the Illumninati pretend to be the wise rulers of the planet, maintaining and passing on the secret knowledge of the ancient deities, that is, devils, the owl became one of their symbols. Its unblinking large eye represents the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati that never closes.

Because the owl’s eyes seem to not move, it moves its neck to turns its head completely around to see, another sign of the occult sects which, through their initiated agents, can see where normal men cannot. And, like the owl, the Freemasons gather in secret, far from the light of day.

Freemasons also consider the owl a symbol of reincarnation: since it is awake at night they consider it a symbol of the soul that has left a dead body and remains in the night, waiting to re-enter another body that is being conceived. For them the owl symbolizes metempsychosis, which is their theory of reincarnation of the souls. FURTHER READING

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