WARM UP . . . A 3 Year Mission is At Hand - Pt 1 of 4

1 year ago

It is time to get started!

These are the questions, to help follow along with the Transmissions.

THANK YOU, H Newby!!!

I am starting to receive the information, we want/need! After these videos we can get on with the 3 Year Mission. . . Whew!!
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1. Yes it makes sense. I believe that we manifest our reality. This is in line with your transmission today about allowing your intuition to receive messages in all forms. They suggest and we accept and then the mind manifests matter.

2. I think that the next three years will be a period of time where the mass, gross interference in our free will / sovereignty will be removed and we will be allowed to see and know more about the truth. This will happen slowly because most people cannot handle, or process it.

3. Everyone for the most part is on a different page. So much change needs to occur that it is probably better to just let it happen than to tell people that it will. Some won’t believe it and others will just keep asking “when?”. The new reality will simply “be”.

4. I do see the evil doers trying to hold power and it is they who will try to create fear and panic. They will do this by trying to crash the $ after they see they can’t win. They will also try to make humanity afraid of and distrust “aliens”. All of the benevolent beings are here to help us, so the evil must preemptively cast a spell. I think it will be very confusing for most people.

5. All the while the Sun is sending us energy for our ascension, as are many other places and beings in the Universe. Universal Energy!! Thank you All!!

6. As we know, some of us will make it and those with the liquid will not. I am MOST curious as to how this will become known and what the results of the knowing will be. Difficult!!

Love and Light to You T

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