Ep. 158 SISU (A BETTER #inglouriousbasterds!) The #johnwick of WWII…

1 year ago

We finish #reviewweek with the best! #sisu. An incredible film based in the WWII era that genuinely was a better film than #inglouriousbasterds. That’s not to say #tarantino isn’t an EPIC director… And #bradpitt killed it! Literally… LOL! But Sisu has a different vibe. A realistic sense of pride and purpose to destroy that which is evil in the world. Let’s be real, although this film is fictional, all you need to do is pick up a history book to learn that the #nazis did some HORRIBLE sh!t to people. So when you have a tale of a one man army who kills Nazis in the most graphic way possible… You have one of the greatest films ever made! And on a budget of an after-school special! So much credit to the actors/actresses and director… From the grime to the on-location shots, using real props to convey what the war and surrounding areas were like… Sisu himself being this #johnwick style assassin makes for the perfect setup in the battle against #goodvsevil. Definitely check it out NOW if you haven’t and let me know what you think in the comments! Did you see it yet? Is it at least on your ‘to watch’ list?! Don’t forget to SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW, LIKE, and everything else for #spotofnerd! As always, it’s super duper in the pooper appreciated! Until next time folks, laters! #rumble #youtube #support #thankyou #subscribe #like #follow #comment #reviews #contentcreator #movies #films #paramount #wwii #history #war #hero #legend #scream6 #summer #strangenewworlds #whatwedointheshadows #jackryan

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