Interview 476 with Dezert-Owl

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- The Signs Of The Times –
In Essence I Discuss THE HISTORY Of THE WORLD & How The Un-Seen
Hand has been running it from The very Beginning Of Time ; who they are, and how
they have founded all of The First Great Civilizations, that are found all around The
World. About who the Giants really were, and The ancient Aryan CAST and Slave
Systems, The Priest-Hoods, The Anti-Gravity Vymannas (The 'Earth Based' misnomer￾ed UFO's which are Man Made) ; The CONTROL of All Forms Of Communications,
Commerce, Religion, mass-Media, pseudo-Politics, etc. It is The Grand Deception that
is used to CON-Troll ALL Of Mankind, and all instituted through The Four Main
Religions of The World in particular, used as their Grand 'COVER.'
Their Cyber-CODE has been revealed to me, because I have become adept within the
study of the ancient alphabets, communications, symbolism, religion, custom, law,
cosmology and mythology, not to mention the fallacy of today's political-science and
pseudo-science in particular. I can also define the true nature of their warfare, their
shell game of bringing one civilization up for their temporary use and then taking it
down for the next 500 year generational cycle, as symbolized by the classical Phoenix.
I discuss The Ultimate in Mind Control, an ancient art, and the Financial Control, the
Secret Societies and their blood oc'cult rituals... and how they wage all wars, through￾out all time, through The Nations that they have created which are all Imaginations, Plantations and mere CORPORATIONS. They have taken blood oaths to surrender their self will and mind to their Blind-Goddess who has demanded our blood from the very beginning of time. They communicate to their minions through the movies, TV and
print media, while I can see, read and interpret most all of it. It all says that they are using us for Our Ingenuity, for our collective, Constructive Labor, for Experimentation and in the end... they intend to kill us all. They have given us full notice of what they are doing, and what they fully intend to do, while all of the general population, the
sheeple, they merely go there to be entertained.
The New World Order is The Old World Order from The Beginning of Time. There is A MAJOR Cosmic Natural Disaster that is about to happen on Earth and THEY know it, because they have Engineered All of it, while they are cleverly leaving us in the dark; hence the reason that they have build hundreds of Underground Bases All Around The
World, while they are leaving all of the people to remain unprepared, uninformed and
above ground, so that when it ALL comes, the mere 5 percent who will survive above
ground, will die from the weaknesses and disease that has been generated from all of the poisons that they have been feeding us, from the Chemical Aerosol Spraying of our
sky, to fluoride in the water, to tainted vaccines, to fake food, etc, etc.
They have enslaved us all at ‘BIRTH’ by the clever means of deception, because
we, most all, are their cattle / chattel-property, and because they merely wanted to
harness our labor, what they always needed, which is what backs most of the worlds
currency through the BIRTH Certificate, but they are all through with us now. As it is
written in stone, as it can be seen written in the Georgia Guide-Stones – We ARE A
VIRUS upon The Earth.
To know the Truth is to be Empowered and to Be Prepared. We may not be able to
stop what has been done and what is about to happen, but the innocent and the decent
people on planet Earth deserve to know!
- Dezert-Owl - formerly
Author Of The REAL daVinci CODE Etymological Dictionary
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