Greatest Secrets of the American Deep State Globalist NWO Alliance. Pilgrims Society History

1 year ago

Greatest Secrets of the American Deep State Globalist NWO Alliance. The British American Pilgrims Society
You Can Not Understand what the Deep State is, or How It Operates, without first understanding the Elite Hierarchy that Dictates Policy, the Think Tanks, Foundations and NGO's that Manage and Implement Policy, and How Operatives are Chosen, Groomed and Placed Within the Highest Positions of Power within the U.S. Government.
A Free Direct pdf Download of this entire document is right here:
Part 2 Linked Below:
This is One of the Most Extensive Works on the Most Powerful Secret Society Within America. This Anglo-American Establishment is not merely a Good Old Boy Network.
Membership of the Pilgrims Society includes Billionaires, Banks, Mega Corporations, The Military Industrial Complex, Non Governmental Agencies, Think Tanks, US Presidents, Top Politicians, Intelligence Agencies, Government Agencies and Entire Branches of the US Military.
Membership is So Secret, an update on the Members List has been UNOBTAINABLE for over 20 years.
To say they have an Extremely Tremendous Amount of Power and Influence would be a Gross Understatement...
The Pilgrims Society: A Century of Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Mellons and So Much More
"The aim of the international bankers
was nothing less than to create a world
system of financial control in private
hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy
of the world as a whole.
This system was
to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by
the central banks of the world acting in
concert, by secret agreements arrived at in
frequent private meetings and
"There is an establishment in the United States. The word
"esstablishment" is a general term for the power elite inn international
finance, business, the professions largely from the Northeast, w o wield
most of the power regardless of who is in the White House.
"Most people are unaware of the existence of this "legitimate Mafia."
the power of the establishment makes itself felt from the professor who
seeks a foundation grant, to the candidate for a cabinet post or State
Department job. It affects the nation's policies in almost every area.
For example, the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City,
subsidized by Rockefeller interests since 1927 boasts a membership of at
least 90 per cent establishment figures."
August 19, 2015, The National Interest, 'The Interview: Henry Kissinger'.
Kissinger is a vice president of the Pilgrims Society.
Notes beforehand:
To avoid confusion in the future, this is the first article ever that has done a
complete analysis of the Pilgrims Society and made photocopies of
membership lists available. The story that comes out here is one that is
infinitely more detailed than anything that has been written in the past.
As with numerous other ISGP articles, basic Wikipedia entries were created
soon after this article was published.
Just a couple of years ago, one wouldn't
be able to find 5 percent of the information on the Pilgrims that is provided
here. That's important to know, because it's only a matter of time before a
person or media outlet raises the question: "The Pilgrims are mentioned on
Wikipedia, so what's the secret?".
The secret is probably that a complete analysis will prove that:
1. yes, an Anglo-American establishment, including an Eastern
Establishment, has existed for well over a century;
2. a truly amazing amount of influence is concentrated within the Pilgrims;
3. and most leading members have supported or sponsored domestic and
foreign fascism at one point or another.
The article you see here today is version III of the original. Version I was written
in 2005 and only was a couple of pages long. It was replaced in 2008 by a
vastly expanded version II, after a number of membership lists and executive
officers lists were obtained. In 2017 this article again was vastly expanded to a
version III. I was only able to acquire lists from 1990 to 2014, as well as
countless older lists, at the last stages of writing version III. Key updates have been made and a few additional ones might follow in the future, but for now it
looks as if version III+ will be the final version of this article.
Equally important: at the time version I and II of this article were written I had
not yet developed my four establishment model - or three establishment if one
merges the American (mixed religion) and European (Vatican-Paneuropa)
conservative establishments. In this article we are primarily discussing the
core of the liberal establishment. The basic differences between the liberal and
conservative establishment.
John T. Whiteford asking very reasonable questions in his 1940 pamphlet
'Sir Uncle Sam: Knight of the British Empire'.
PART I: the Pilgrims network
1. Notes beforehand
2. Intro
3. The WASP elite
4. Pilgrims history
5. The Pilgrims network:
5.1. Banks, law firms, insurance and other business
5.2. U.S. media I: Print and television
5.3. U.S. media II: CIA's Operation Mockingbird and Washington ties
5.4. British media and MI5/MI6 infiltration
5.5. Universities and fraternities
5.6. Cultural, scientific and revolutionary societies
5.7. Religion
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