EMS Week Days#4 & #5 Special | BTS EMS & Children/Safe a Life

1 year ago

We are in service ladies and gentleman! The aircraft has been inspected, safety checks are complete and the weather is green as we continue our journey throughout EMS appreciation week. As previously discussed in the last podcast, each day of the week encompasses a particular theme or topic of discussion. Today have back to back missions as we cover Days #4 & #5 of EMS week.

These are particular special days as it allows the attention to be shifted away from us and redirected back toward the public we serve. So hope aboard the flight deck and let's go wheels up on todays podcast.

Note: All episodes containing claims or suggestions are backed by evidence based research. Furthermore, nothing stated is to override any experts in these areas.

Episode Resources:



Child Car Seat and Seatbelt awareness




Stop the Bleed Advocacy


CPR Advocacy


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