SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS - What everyone should know

1 year ago

What are they hiding and why? You can download the book here. It is a fascinating read:

The "poles" are considered to be "off limits" due to scientific research, and flights over these areas are strictly prohibited. Though discoveries of land far beyond the poles has been well documented, the details of what lies beyond the ice remain shrouded in secrecy.

Lieutenant Green wrote that the Greenland Eskimos spoke of a "paradise island" that lies northwest of the northwestern tip of Greenland. Lieutenant Green thought it was an island out in an unexplored part of the Arctic sea. The movie "Island at the Top of the World", is based on the theory of this hidden island in the Arctic Ocean.

In his book "Worlds Beyond the Poles" Amadeo Giannini wrote, "When one goes beyond the Poles, one is moving, as the colloquial aptly describes, "out of this world." One then continues to move over land extending beyond the Earth. That land beyond is not on either side of the Earth that was conjectured by Mr. Copernicus. Such a land factor, strange as it may seem to many, is now firmly established by U.S. naval exploration beyond the Poles."

The 1927 German science fiction film Metropolis features a futuristic city in which a utopian society of elite city planners exists above a dark underworld populated by mistreated workers. A metropolis is defined as a city that is a significant economic, political and cultural center.

Could it be that this place that is being hidden from us is actually what the Bible describes as Mystery Babylon? Is gold, silver, and platinum being sent there? Are the governments of the world secretly serving her? Is the wealth of the world being siphoned off? Is what is claimed to be "government spending" actually tribute money? Could it be that people are being abducted into slavery and sent there? How could this city be a mystery if its whereabouts and activities are well known?
Source: The Principled Legal Standard on YouTube
Channel Disclaimer: As always I do not take credit for the content or the research represented here, nor do I seek to profit from it, I seek only to act as a gatekeeper to the truth.

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