Not Decouple from China Means A disaster to the American and Chinese people

1 year ago

05/24/2023 Nicole Tsai on OAN: President Biden’s statement about America looking to de-risk, not decouple from China is deeply disturbing to the 1.4 billion Chinese people and the freedom loving Chinese people worldwide. The three House Committees have heard many testimonies about the damages the engagement policy with CCP has done to the U.S. If America continues to adopt a soft policy on the CCP, it means a disaster to the American and Chinese people. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/24/2023 妮可接受同一个美国新闻网采访:拜登总统有关美国寻求与中共国去风险,而非脱钩的言论令14亿中国人民和全球爱好自由的华人深感不安。众议院三大委员会听取了许多证词,证明与中共的接触政策对美国造成了巨大损害。如果美国继续对中共采取软弱的政策,这对中美两国人民来说都意味着灾难。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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