what has been your most bone-chilling, hair-raising, "Let's get the hell out of here" experience?

1 year ago

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Possibly fighting a house fire, and realizing that I had very hot feet. Through concrete-soled boots? My officer and I immediately noped the flock out. Hot feet mean you’re standing above a fire. As fire burns upwards, it’s weakening the floor beneath you. So we were about to plummet into a basement fire.
Exploring a abandoned high rise, out of the blue my friend grabbed me by my collar from behind, I was about to step into a elevator shaft. After swearing at him "what the flock" he said "look" and I saw the drop of like 20 floors to a concrete bottom with broken metal rods sticking out. We went home. He saved my life 100%
As a child camping, getting out of my tent to pee and coming back and just barely being able to make out eyes and something moving in the tent, I bolted to another tent and woke the others upTurns out it was a raccoon and I had left a box of crackers in my tent I'd forgotten about.. but at the time it was pretty terrifying
I was in the lobby of World Trade Center 1 on Sept 11th when the plane hit. Although I didnt know a plane had hit what I experienced was a sound like a building bending and metal tearing. Then all of the doors in the lobby blew open and burning hot air blew in my face and it sounds like hell was coming down those stairs. Turns out I was right.
I was hiding in some trees on my farm in high school. I suddenly got a super creepy feeling that someone else was there so I left. The next day my dad discovered that one of his cows was killed during the night.
Sleeping outside and a mountain lion screamed probably 30 feet away. My blood literally ran cold, I have never felt such pure terror before or since. Somehow ran to my car which was luckily only 10 feet away. Never saw the cat. This was in Oregon.
Ventured deep into an abandoned mineshaft on a mountain side on the island of Tasmania. We got to a point deep in the tunnel that was covered with hundreds of massive orb weaver sliders and we started hearing echos of weird ass sounds, decided to turn back the .
I was stalked by a panther walking back to my friend’s cabin at night. I knew if I ran it would chase me so I tried to pretend it wasn’t there. It flocked off after a while but that was the worst feeling.
Walking my dog (Aussie shep) and suddenly he's in full blown defend-his owner stance, barking and growling. It's pitch black out and I live on a wooded street in the boonies. A 500lb bear was 6 metres from us. He got up, looked me in the eye, and then casually walked away.
Long story short - in a case of mistaken identity I was rammed/attacked by 3 cars and about 15 people driving home from dinner one night a few years ago. I somehow managed to get out of it alive but with a ruined car, its a blur of panic.
Why am I reading this thread before I go to bed?!
As a kid, Speed running through the Georgia forests around Ft. Gordon with a friend and tripping and falling into a shallow ditch, only to find out in a total Indiana Jones moment that I was face to face with my first coral snake
I live in an area where wolves are extremely rare. However, one day while hiking with my mom and brother we saw something moving at the bottom of a hill. It was a huge freaking wolf. We basically power walked out of there for fear that running might antagonize the wolf. It was the fastest "walk" of my life.

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