Harvey Schlanger: What is Really Going on in the Secret Global Power Struggle for a NWO

1 year ago

Harvey Schlanger: What is Really Going on in the Secret Global Power Struggle for a NWO

Harvey Schlanger: Support for Ukraine War Starting to Wane in EU. Why US & NATO Won't Quit
@OratorBlog 5-26-2023
Harvey Schlanger is right. The reason the US, NATO and the European Union are so desperate to WIN the War in Ukraine is that they cannot allow an Economic System outside of the Great Reset to exist.
It appears there are some very strange dynamics within this struggle. It is not only a physical War, but there are many struggles happening beneath the surface that are going unseen by the world at large.
Without actually naming it, Harvey is talking about the BRICS - Belt Road Trade Alliance.
It has also been coined: Rothschild's Pan-Eurasia Super State.
The Abraham Accords helped solidify that Alliance to make way for the Modern Day Silk Road. (Ha, you think they agreed to Peace just for Peace Sake?)
Even though the Banksters always control every side, it would appear that they are losing control over the Juggernaut they themselves helped to create.
The Agenda 2030 Great Reset does indeed call for a Multi-Polar World.
But if that Multi-Polar World does not Relinquish Control to the Old World Powers, their entire system of World Domination is set to COLLAPSE.
Though it has been proven that the BRICS Financial System is Tied to the Bank of International Settelements (Thus Beholden to the same old International Banksters) there is more going on there.
We are after all talking about a Gold Backed Currency. If China, Russia and Israel decide not to cooperate with the Bankers Global Monopoly, what is to stop them from Keeping The Gold For Themselves?
Traditionally, the International Banksters always win. They play every side. But this time they may be losing their leverage?
But there is far more to this situation. In this case the old Rothschild moto:
Give me control of a Nations Currency, and I care not who rules, may not be enough.
The Belt Road Global Trade Alliance is a COMPLETE SHIFT from Western World Trade Domination , to an Eastern World Trade Domination.
And that is something that cannot be overcome simply by the Banksters Babylonian Money Magic.
The Anglo-American Western World has subjugated the rest of the world to their pilferage for a very long time. They have bullied the Third World and Stolen Their Natural Resources. They have broken their backs with Debt they can never pay back.
Europe is not a place of vast Natural Resources. And their Industrial Capacity was decimated, just like the Banksters and Mega Corporations did to America. Manufacturing was forced overseas.
When the EU and the USA are cut off from control over those Natural Resources and Manufacturing Centers-
They Are In Deep Doodoo...
It would take decades to rebuild the Industrial Might and Manufacturing Capabilities of the USA and EU if they were cut out of the deal.
For whatever reason, Putin is obviously a Threat to their continued World Domination.
But even if the US, NATO and EU Alliance can with the War in Ukraine and cut off the route to Western Markets, the Belt Road is even now building alternative pathways that bypass the Blockade.
But there is another problematic issue.
China is building Military Bases at every Port and Juncture that they fund as part of the deal.
And this is a True Threat to the existing system. Where Nations have been Invaded and Decimated, to leave Rothschild Banks in their wake, and Armies of Industrialist behind to plunder their resources, that would no longer be possible.
The People Do Not Want War.
And they would be extremely pissed if they knew this was all about a struggle over the Lust for Wealth and Power by the Ruling Elite.
If humanity is simply left alone, they will always find a way to prosper. But great changes require time to be put into place. And the Old World Powers have made a terrible mess of everything.
This is of course about the Global Pecking Order. Who controls what. Who controls who.
Harvey Schlanger:
The reality is seeping in, as growing numbers in Europe are recognizing that the Anglo-American war hawks intend to continue the fighting in Ukraine until Russia is so damaged that a successful regime change can be pulled off there.
There is a growing chorus of voices of sane military vets in Europe calling for diplomacy, the break-up of NATO, and an end to the delusion that World War III can be won. More American military vets are speaking up, such as Col. Richard Black. Join with the Schiller Institute, to make sure your voice is heard in opposition to the ongoing globalist Malthusian onslaught.
(Please Note: This video if from last year. However, it still has great relevance in understanding what the true underlying motivations are, in the ongoing world power struggles. I have finally been able to wrap my head around this Secret Global Conflict, and I hope my commentary provides you with a deeper understanding. Those echo know are not talking. And the MSM is completely worthless. They will NEVER cover the Truth. And this War is Secret.)
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