Harvey Schlanger: Two Opposing New World Orders. BRICS/Belt Road vs Old World Powers 5-26-2023

1 year ago

Harvey Schlanger: Two Opposing New World Orders. BRICS/Belt Road vs Old World Powers 5-26-2023
Pulling off a Great Reset Climate Hoax Green New Deal during War is a hard thing to pull off.
Dissenters Must Go
May 26, 2023
As NATO's permanent war stretches into its second year, will the Russia-China partnership hold? Is it possible that, given the damage inflicted on the German people by its vassal government, the Germans will rise up against it? And can the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. play a useful role in defeating the "Permanent Bureaucracy" (sometimes referred to as the "Deep State") in the U.S.? For a thorough discussion on the potential to use the charge by RFK, Jr., that the CIA killed his uncle John F. Kennedy, to expose the International Assassination Bureau deployed for regime change globally, join us for this Saturday's Manhattan Project program, at 2 PM EDT:
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