Buck Angel OPENS UP About Trans Athletes, Lia Thomas & Riley Gaines on Chrissie Mayr Podcast

1 year ago

In this Chrissie Mayr Podcast clip the most epic Tranpa Buck Angel joins Chrissie to talk about the current state of trans rights. Recently a situation happened on a college campus where Riley Gaines was attacked and chased in to a closed room over her statements about Lia Thomas. Buck and Chrissie discuss if this situation is a sign that the trans rights movement has gone too far. Buck now while still looking like a young man has experienced years of himself being trans knows what the movement use to be about, how it was exercised, and what the community as a whole felt on things. Now as people choose to scream and be aggressive even Buck no longer recognizes of knows what the movement is for and why they are doing what they do. It seems like the reality of things may be getting lost in the weeds or hidden from those fighting.

#ChrissieMayr #BuckAngel #RileyGaines

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Clip & End Screen created by Fealty
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