Father Ezekiel’s 4.26.23 vision

1 year ago

Father Ezekiel’s 4.26.23 vision

May 22nd, 2023

Father Ezekiel: Enjoy it!

Mother Clare: So, we are in a banquet hall?

Father Ezekiel: The wedding banquet.

Mother Clare: The wedding banquet. And we were serving?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: And then we sat down?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: And the big, long-

Father Ezekiel: And you are to His right sitting down.

Mother Clare: Whose right?

Father Ezekiel: His right.

Mother Clare: Father or Jesus?

Father Ezekiel: Jesus.

Mother Clare: Oh. Where is Jesus sitting?

Father Ezekiel: Next to Daddy. Daddy is at the head of the table–

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: At the bottom of the steps leading up to the throne.

Mother Clare: So, then Jesus is on the left?

Father Ezekiel: Jesus is at-Everybody is at the right hand of the Father.

Mother Clare: If I were at the right hand I would be between Father and Jesus.

Father Ezekiel: That is right-No, you are on the right side of Jesus.

Mother Clare: But the right side of Jesus leads up to the Father.

Father Ezekiel: No, the left-they are facing us, honey. We are looking from way down here to way down there where they are, and you are.

Mother Clare: Ok. If you say so.

Father Ezekiel: That is for the guest of honor, at a, like a T, it comes to aT, at the end of the table.

Mother Clare: Oh, it comes to a T.

Father Ezekiel: Right.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: You and Jesus, I mean it is a wedding banquet, it is a wedding banquet, and in this case, you are the Bride,

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: Representing all the Brides and all the wedding banquets that are going to be held individually for every Bride.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: And the air smells like, it is fresh.

Mother Clare: I LOVE the aroma of lilacs.

Father Ezekiel: Look and listen, feel and do everything from your Spirit.

Mother Clare: Who is beneath, on the left side?

Father Ezekiel: As they are facing us, they are back, kind of caddy-cornered to the Guest of Honor.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: And they are sweet.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: It is-it is-Wow! It is really, really Heaven, it is beautiful. Fresh flowers all the way down the table.

Mother Clare: When you said that I was seeing rose petals falling from the sky. Pink rose petals.

Father Ezekiel: Really?

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: Wow!

Mother Clare: When you said flowers all around.

Father Ezekiel: I have never been to a place this rich before. This is really-

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: This is-this is exquisite! Very sweet.

Mother Clare: Mm. The glasses are long-stemmed water glasses, wavy, they are kind of like a tulip-

Father Ezekiel: Right.

Mother Clare: And they have a gold edge.

Father Ezekiel: Right. Everyone, on both sides of the table, they are like one big family, talking back and forth, you know,

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: Men, women and children, even babies.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: It is like a family reunion, kind of, in a rich way. It is like a royal family-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: Beautiful.

Mother Clare: Remember I am related to the Blessed Mother.

Father Ezekiel: What, honey?

Mother Clare: I am related to the Blessed Mother.

Father Ezekiel: You are to the right of Jesus, and Blessed Mother is to the right of you, close next to-It is like the Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit are almost one person, sometimes I see them both side by side and sometimes I see them in and out of each other, you know?

Mother Clare: She is filled with the Holy Spirit.

Father Ezekiel: Well, she is His Spouse.

Mother Clare: Hmm.

Father Ezekiel: Our Guardian Angels are here.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: Oh, my goodness!

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: The Lord sure does know how to multiply the food! Man! Even though there is no killing in Heaven, the food likes like food, has the taste and flavor and everything, but you did not have to go kill an animal to have it. I am talking about prime rib, filet mignon-wrapped with bacon-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: Something-a bird stuffed with fruit, with Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur, it is a chocolate cream liqueur, poured over it. Man, I can-

Mother Clare: We are talking decadent now.

Father Ezekiel: What-I am just-

Mother Clare: Hm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: I am just in awe over the whole thing, I mean, it is-I really do not feel hungry, I really do not. It is not the food, not the table, or the chairs that I am so drawn into-it is the-the souls.

Mother Clare: This brand of chairs look like–

Father Ezekiel: When I first saw the chairs I saw the poor people, down in an elementary school or something, you know?

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: And they had their rags, and they would sit down, and when they would sit down, they were instantly clothed in white.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: In white gowns, and the chairs morphed into fine, fine oak kind of furniture-

Mother Clare: Dark?

Father Ezekiel: He took all of those, and the air started rippling around them, and they were transformed into the most beautiful people, the most beautiful souls-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: And the angels came and had them stand up, and they removed that furniture, and they brought in thrones–

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: For these to sit on.

Mother Clare: Oh.

Father Ezekiel: The poor, the lame,-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: The naked, the hungry, the widow, the orphan-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: And the whole table, all the guests, moved down, because they were invited up to the head ofthe table.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: I liked them when they were right here beside me!

Mother Clare: Hm. So, it is a T-shaped table.

Father Ezekiel: Yeah.

Mother Clare: Mm. And the poor are closest to the Father.

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: Mm-Oh, in the long part of the T. And then the cross-

Father Ezekiel: Think of a tile cross.

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: God the Father, Jesus, you, Blessed Mother, The Holy Spirit-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: Your Guardian Angel, my Guardian Angel-And you and I-You know how I talked about the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother seemed to come in and out of each other as one person?

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: You and I, you and I are both there next to the Lord, and we in Him, you know, He and I-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: Are one. I thought that the silverware was going to be rich, fine, old, you know, whatever, silver-

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: And it is not. It is gold.

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: And the candles–the candles are gold.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: And yet the candle holders seem to be almost-

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: Made from pearl. Real pearl.

Mother Clare: Really?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: Yeah, about every four chairs down, are tons of whatever you want to call them, beautiful softgold candlelight, even though the bridal light is coming from Daddy and Jesus and Holy Spirit, there is also glowing from holy souls.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: The brightness of the little ones, and the poor ones, and yet it is beautifully bright with the mup close with candles with pearl holders. I know it is a little base, but I am thinking, ‘I wonder if I could take some of this home?’

Mother Clare: Hm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: Like some of the food?

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: And the Lord’s answer was simply, “You do not have to take anything home. It is always here for you. Look around you.”

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel:(continuing with the Lord’s answer to him)“All this is yours, the whole Kingdom of Heaven. From the River of Life to the banquet table, to the steps leading up to the throne...”and yet it is so sweet and innocent, it is almost like a fairytale princess wedding kind of thing.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: Another thing I just cannot describe, even a foot away from my face, I cannot describe the color. If you see anything else, tell me, if not, just rest and enjoy it, just relax and enjoy it. Wow!

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: Golden chandeliers, just suspended in the air.

Mother Clare: That is funny, I saw something drop down from the ceiling.

Father Ezekiel: Yeah! Golden chandeliers!

Mother Clare: I thought-I thought it was a flower arrangement or something, but it is golden chandeliers.

Father Ezekiel: Golden chandeliers and they are hovering-

Mother Clare: Yeah.

Father Ezekiel: Nothing is holding them up, they are just there.

Mother Clare: I saw it-

Father Ezekiel: Suspended.

Mother Clare: I saw something come down from the ceiling and hover.

Father Ezekiel: Yeah, they are suspended.

Mother Clare: Wow! It seems like they have etched glass.

Father Ezekiel: Well, whatever they are-

Mother Clare: Chimneys or something, glass coverings over the chandelier part, etched–

Father Ezekiel: Glass.

Mother Clare: Yeah, sitting over the base and the candle holder. Each one kind of has glass that is etched with designs.

Father Ezekiel: Wow!

Mother Clare: Super fancy.

Father Ezekiel: Ha, ha.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: You know how we can tell the Brides from the guests?

Mother Clare: No.

Father Ezekiel: The Brides, along with their wedding veil and dress, they always have white gloves going up to their elbows.

Mother Clare: Oh, really?

Father Ezekiel: Yeah. And tiaras. They make up the heart of His Heart and the light of His Life for all eternity.

Mother Clare: The Brides.

Father Ezekiel: Absolutely. That does not mean that He is not close and intimate with all souls in Heaven, there is something about the Bride, something about the Bride that is just very singular, very, very special part of The Body, His Heart.

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