SUNSET OVERDRIVE Playthrough Part 2 - 4K Gameplay (FULL GAME) PC GAME PASS

1 year ago

3) One Man's Trash
4) Amp It Up
5) Amptastic

This is a playthrough of SUNSET OVERDRIVE from start to finish. Sometimes I steer away to look for hidden items and collectibles, so please be patient XD thank you :)

It's available on PC GAME PASS on the time of recording.

On July 13, 2027, megaconglomerate FizzCo hosts a massive pre-release party in Sunset City for its new energy drink, OverCharge Delirium XT (also known as OverCharge), allowing the citizens to be the first to try it. In an attempt to sell OverCharge faster, FizzCo skipped health regulation protocols and rushed through testing, leading to the drink being so toxic that anyone who drinks it transforms into a violent, boil-covered mutant known as an Overcharge Drinker (OD). The mutants infest the city within hours of the pre-release party, which comes to be known as "Horror Night". In order to cover up the deception, FizzCo claims that a viral outbreak has happened and quarantines the whole city, preventing anyone from entering or exiting. The player, a janitor employed by FizzCo, is saved from an attacking OD by Walter, a former FizzCo security guard. Walter admits him into a small group of fellow survivors, which also includes Floyd, a former FizzCo chemist whose concerns about OverCharge's safety went unheeded.

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