1 year ago

DRAFT ABSTRACT for a study that reveals


Humans are the only animal on the planet, that I am aware of that removes it's own hair down to the skin.

Having recently had that epiphany, I asked myself a couple of questions.

When did humans start doing this?


Has anyone considered, or investigated the consequences of doing so?

My answer to both questions is merely speculation, however, I suspect we started removing our hair when we started encountering less hairy hominids in order to attract breading partners, but that's a wild guess.

The answer to the question of whether or not this has been investigated, I would have to say is yes. Just not very recently.

However, I have come to believe that Moses may have been doing a very similar study to this one, but, no concept of a digestive system, let alone gut biome or metabolic processes, cellular regeneration etc. etc ad infinitum... They had no way to see inside a working human.

Many of the decrees in the Mosaic texts refer to food and hygiene practices as well as rules to maintain civil order particularly regarding the old, pride, lust and envy and familial relations we all know can cause disquiet in a close-knit society.

They also included decrees around hair cutting, beard trimming and head coverings, which I have to admit have baffled me.

Until recently that is.

My research has revealed the cause of autoimmune disease in humans is caused by #IngrowingHairs that originate at the temple, over ears & nape of the neck.

When humans shave close to the skin, particularly w, multiple bladed razors that seem to pull the hairs out slightly before being cut. Skin in these areas regenerates and repairs the damage but if enough collagen is produced the hair follicle's chain of keratin proteins (HAIR) CANNOT PENETRATE THE OPENING but instead, as it pushes the hair strand at approx 1mm/day the hair is forced into the Stratum germinativum, back through the dermis and ubcutis (hypodermis) where it eventually gets caught in the capillary and peristaltic flow and travels into the interstitial areas of the scalp, ears, eye sockets, sinus and proceeds on until forced against either bone or mucosal membrane where, in the case of bones ie: the spine it bunches up until big enough for some of the strands to be drawn along until bumping into the next vertibrae and repeating (wineglass tower w. fine threads added to the flow at random). In the case of the strands making contact with mucosal membranes (thin dense tough skin) at the ear canal, throat, esophageal tract, eustachian tubes, and is the layer of protection all organs and some glands rely on and the myelin sheathing that protects nerves, lymp nodes etc. As your body moves and circulation, respiration, lymphatic action, metabolic/digestive action and blood flow to and from the heart. Altho the strands are merely pushing against the surface the movement of the shearing causes the hairs to move as in the movements of a snake but inverted w, the surface moving and the hair (snake) is just hitching a ride. This allows them to travel throught the body undetected and benign meanderings, microscopic Sunday drivers doing donuts around organs, blood vessels, glands, and lymph nodes but going unnoticed save for the myriad of symptoms caused by restrictions to nerve signals, blood vessels, lymphatic pathways etc and whenever it moves past its current deployment, it causes microscopic tears the body is constantly repairing, hence the seemingly overactive wound healing responses in eczema/psoriasis patients and the Neurological symptoms associated with many AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES.
I have after 8 years of intensive research, data analysis, human experimentation, pain, suffering and loss, compiled thousands of images, hours of video and some physical evidence to support my claim that the Old Testament mosaic texts that refer to shaving, beards, hair and head covering was in response to this happening and manifesting as Dermatitis or what Moses called Leprosy! And why they told priests to look into an open wound and observe the HAIR color to diagnose 'defilement' or, dermatitis/leprosy.

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