Why the Obsession With Trans? | Yaron Brook Show

1 year ago

00:00 Technical Difficulties
03:35 Housekeeping
05:28 YouTube Warnings
07:48 Why the Obsession With Trans?
09:56 It is a real thing
14:18 Elevation by the Left
19:48 1st driving force
29:42 2nd driving force
38:40 Trans issue is perfect for the Left
39:36 Why are the Right obsessed by it?
44:30 Clip from Ben Shapiro
50:50 Misunderstanding of Enlightenment
52:05 What triggers the Right
57:15 What the Right cares about
1:00:53 Conservatives are about conserving

Live Questions:
1:06:01 I think most of these people are nihilists waging war against biological identity. Not to say this is all the Right should be focusing on, but degeneracy is not something a healthy, rational society tolerates.
1:09:10 Could there be an opportunity to channel the Right's nebulous, war on "woke capitalism" into an Objectivist movement toward individualism and free markets? They don't seem to understand what they're fighting for or against.
1:11:26 Additionally, I think there's an epistomolgical element as part of the Left's motivation. There's almost a glee that they can say " you can't know someone's a certain gender."
1:13:49 Epistemologically, the culture is fighting over the various ways Gender is described in Material Girl. Stock described 4 concepts that are considered “gender”. Do you think gender is“sex+age”or “social role”?Options 1&2 in MG
1:16:02 I think, to the Right, this seems like a very concrete-bound, axiomatic-seeming case of the Left saying "don't believe your lying eyes." And they revolt viscerally against it.
1:18:06 I personally hold that Gender=sex+age. Adult male is man and non-adult male is boy. However,there is a cultural social idea of masculinity and femininity, in terms of social roles.And there their are Hero & HeroWorshippers
1:20:04 Both Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk used to speak the language of individualism, and now both are throwing individualism into the garbage, accusing the left of being pro individualism
1:21:33 Thank you for this. With both the left & right falling into collectivism, is liberty even still associated with either left or right? Do individual rights even still have a place within the mainstream political spectrum?
1:24:20 Why do people who are clearly not Objectivists, call themselves Objectivists? What could they possibly gain other than to subvert our movement for nihilistic reasons? Or perhaps our movement is growing and they think they can gain notoriety by riding coat tails?
1:27:38 Have leftists been trained to laugh whenever the name "Ayn Rand" is brought up? They literally all do this. Is there a memo they all get? Do they think this argument from intimidation is supposed to suppress the growth of her ideas? Is it working?
1:29:23 Hi, Yaron, I appreciate the show. Who, in your opinion, has given the best argued attempt at repudiation of Ayn Rand’s ideas?
1:31:05 Maybe when this skin-cell-to-egg conversion tech becomes readily available, some people will borrow J.K. Rowling’s discriminatory term “Mudblood” to label those children, much to her dismay. I hope not.
1:34:55 Glad to see DeSantis had the balls to run. Did you get a chance to see his full interview on John Stossel? I think he can beat Trump and govern the country decently if he has the right advisors around him.
1:36:46 I prey 20 years from now, Objectivism will no longer be in such an early, fringe stage.
1:36:58 It’s concrete bound to divide up the sexes too rigidly by behavior. A girl who expresses strength is maligned as masculine. A conservative might consider cooking as feminine. Except then why are some of the best chefs men?
1:39:26 Enraging to think what percentage of intellectuals for the past 200+ years have been conceiving ways to return humanity to the dark ages.
1:39:48 Does foul language foul the soul?
1:40:17 Do you see a problem with the YT gods enforcing an orthodoxy? Seems like an inquisition when you have to worry about staying in good standing with them
1:42:06 See pinned comment for timestamps of additional questions

2:07:32 Outro

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#transgender #leftists #conservatives #individualism #subjectivism #capitalism ​#Objectivism #AynRand #politics

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