Why You Should Never Lose a Back Pain Disability Case if You are Age 55 or Older

1 year ago

If you are age 55 or older and are pursuing #socialsecuritydisability due to #backpain your odds of winning are very high.

Social Security's #gridrules are designed to help #disability applicants over age 55 win. In this #shorts video I explain why.

Under Grid Rule 202.06, for example, you are very likely to be found "disabled" under SSA's rules even if you can lift up to 20 lbs. and stand and walk for 6 hours a day.

You will need medical evidence of a diagnosed back problem - such as an MRI that show a disc herniation or severe disc bulge and you do need medical records detailing ongoing treatment.

Grid Rule 202.06 is very unusual in that it actually gives disability claimants an advantage in the very dysfunctional Social Security disability process. I would not be surprised to see SSA change this rule in the future but for now, it exists and it can greatly improve your chances at a win.

Obviously every applicant's case will be decided on its own merits but if you have stopped or are about to stop work due to severe back pain and you are age 55 or older, please look at the grid rules.

I have a website called Gridrules.net (https://gridrules.net) that explains how the grids work. Feel free to fill out the form on the GridRules site for a free case evaluation.

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============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://ssdAnswers.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GinsbergLaw/
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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