Article Video - Land Recording Functions - Thursday, May 25, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Land Recording Functions - Thursday, May 25, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

If you stopped and thought about it when the topic first came up, all LAND recording is in international jurisdiction. Why? Because land itself is an international jurisdiction. That's why the Federation gets involved in supporting Land Recording Offices and helps them set standards and work out details so that they comply with international law.
We have traditionally had a vast system of land recording offices in this country both at the County level and the State of State level, but these local offices were serving in international jurisdiction the entire time, and have been doing an international function for the people living in their respective areas since they opened their doors. A County Land Recording Office and a State of State Land Recording Office do the same exact thing as an International Land Recording Office, they just provide the service on a local basis.

When we first started the pushback to record and publish our political status documents we had three possible ways to do it. We could record them with a County Land Office, with a State-of-State Land Office, or by publishing three times within three months in a local newspaper.

Once the District Attorneys and others of their ilk figured out that the "cows" were getting out of their corral and establishing admissible evidence of their political status choices, they began telling the recorders that they couldn't record our paperwork, even though that was (and is) against the law. Some counties, especially those in Illinois and the Deep South pushed back and obeyed the law, but many didn't, with the result that a great many people were having difficulty publishing their chosen political status in their county or even their State.

At one point, over 50% of all political status records for this entire country were being established in just two Counties that kept their Land Recording Offices open.

Unable to keep us from recording (because blocking us was against the law) the DA's and their politician cronies began wholesale closures of Land Recording Offices at both the County and State-of-State levels.
They were going to stop us from recording and publishing our political status one way or the other. If the Land Recorders and Land Offices insisted on obeying the law, they were shut down and out of a job.

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