NEW Crypto Project Has 4 MIND-BLOWING Streams with REAL Utility | DeFi Passive Income

1 year ago

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Earn Passive Income with this NEW Defi Protocol (Waste Power Finance)

Waste Power Finance, or WPF for short, is a brand new project based in Europe that’s focused on transforming the energy industry. Their company has actually developed a way to process waste materials that would otherwise be dumped at a landfill, and turn it into an energy source. And all of this is done without polluting the environment, or in other words they’re able to produce green energy from waste! This is achieved through something called molecular disintegration, which is a process that converts waste material into clean, usable energy. Unlike the dangerous gasses given off from burning waste, this process results in the production of something called syngas.

The project team strongly believes that their mission could have a huge impact on the crypto space, and they hope to inspire more sustainable initiatives down the road. So they decided to turn their energy production idea into a blockchain-based business. And this is where the investment opportunity comes in. Waste Power Finance wants to allow people to contribute to the building of new plants with funds, in exchange for a share of the revenue they generate.

If you have any questions just comment below and I'll be sure to get back to you.

Waste Power Finance Website:
Waste Power Finance Twitter:
Waste Power Finance Discord:

0:00 - Intro
0:53 - What is WPF?
2:17 - Technology behind WPF
3:35 - Project Team
4:24 - Revenue Streams
5:18 - Projected Annual Income
6:05 - How Investors Can Get Involved
8:24 - NFT Costs and APY
9:23 - Claim Tax
9:42 - Presale Information (JUNE 1st)
10:17 - Roadmap & Future
11:11 - My Opinions
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TAGS: #defiprotocol #passiveincome #cryptoinvestment #cryptopassiveincome #defi #defiprojects #cryptowallet #crypto2023 #defiprojects2023 #cryptocurrency #earncrypto #investmentopportunity #decentralizedfinance #bitcoinmining #renewableenergyinvestment #passiveincomenft #greenenergy #greenmining #utility #nft #nfts

TOPICS: stable income from defi in 2023, best crypto platforms in 2023, what is crypto, crypto updates, defi news, crypto hacks, keep your crypto safe, earn passive income from bitcoin mining, passive income nft, bitcoin mining nft, how to invest in bitcoin mining, project79, hydrowhales mining club, passive income with real utility, how to invest in bitcoin, passive income guide, waste power finance full guide, earn money from waste management, earn $BTC, mining crypto project, $wpft

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DISCLAIMER: All of the information presented is strictly for educational and entertainment purposes, nothing should be taken as legal or financial advice. The video content represents the opinions and experiences of the speaker (Summer). Investments in both crypto-related and real world assets pose a certain degree of risk and this content will never suggest or recommend any type of investments. Please do you own research and asses your personal situation before making any financial decisions.

Stay safe everyone!

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