Graduate of University in London, EL RUMI Apprentice as a Security Guard, Makes Netizens Excited!

1 year ago

From his Instagram photo, El Rumi confirmed this explicitly. He was seen evaluating the mall's status in a security guard outfit.
The second child of painters Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianti is majoring in business at the University of Westminster in London, England. He earned a Bachelor of Arts diploma.
Suddenly, the message was inundated with humorous comments from internet users; some made fun of him, some applauded El Rumi, and still others even referred to him as a joke.We already know from reading the many comments left by internet users that El Rumi comes from a Sultan family. So why do you act anxiously when strolling around with flyers advertising job openings?
Many of us believe that this is only content, but El Rumi has shown that he is indeed employed by Carstensz Mall as a security guard.
His father, Ahmad Dhani, taught him to always be an independent human being in the video conversation with Denny Sumargono.

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