EP 108 | Does Having an End Times View Matter? (Eschatology) | Redeeming Truth

1 year ago

EP 108 | Does Having an End Times View Matter? (Eschatology) | Redeeming Truth

What is eschatology and why does it matter? Shouldn't we be "Pan-Millennial," knowing it will all pan out in the end? Pastor Jon Benzinger, Dale Thackrah, Kyle Swanson, and Todd Burgett discuss the importance of eschatology.

Understanding the Bible through a literal grammatico-historical approach is crucial for any eschatological position. By studying Eschatology, we gain confidence in the scriptures and are motivated to be ready for Christ's return while staying busy with our tasks. It calls us to live holy lives and pursue godliness, giving hope for the establishment of a perfect kingdom.

Join us for a conversation about eschatology that'll help you better understand the importance of a consistent hermeneutic, the significance of holy living, and the hope of Christ's return!

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