What Your King James Bible Has To Say About Marriage, Divorce And Remarriage-NTEB-MAY 24 2023

1 year ago

If you're looking to instantly start an argument amongst Christians, it's pretty easy to do, just starting talking about the Pretribulation Rapture. That'll split the pie right down the middle. Or you might try discussing the Bible doctrine of eternal security for the Church Age, what its detractors call OSAS, or 'once saved always saved'. That gets people fighting mad. Now, if you really want to stir the pot, start talking about marriage, divorce and remarriage from the scripture. That's exactly what we will do tonight.On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at what the biblical definition of a marriage is, and here's a clue, marriage in the Bible has nothing to do with a ring, piece of paper or a ceremony. It's always been an amazement to me when talking with 'rightly dividers' how quickly they'll dump 2 Timothy 2:15 in the trash can when it comes to defending whatever 'hobby horse' they learned somewhere. Over the years, Bible believers have told me that God is against things like 'interracial marriage', women 'wearing pants', and saying divorced people 'cannot remarry' if their former spouse is still alive. Whatever happened to rightly dividing the scripture? On this episode of 'Rightly Dividing', we look at the always contentious topic of marriage, divorce and remarriage, to see what the Bible has to say about it.

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