Enneagram, Yoga, and the Dangers of New Age With Marcia Montenegro

1 year ago

On today’s For Life and Godliness show, Dave talks with Marcia Montenegro about why Christians shouldn’t engage in Enneagram and Yoga, concerns about utilizing the Enneagram among Christian churches, the role of theological liberalism has played in the rise of New Age and the rise of the New Age and it’s influence of the Church, along with the dangers of contemplative prayer, and her book with Don, Richard Rohr and the Enneagram (MCOI Publishing, 2020).

What You’ll Hear On This Episode
• Why Christians shouldn’t engage in the Enneagram.
• How our character should inform our witness.
• Concerns about utilizing the Enneagram as a means for Christians sanctification in the local church.
• Why Christians should engage in Yoga.
• Why when warning against Yoga we aren’t telling people we are against physical fitness.
• The role theological liberalism has played in the rise of the New Age and it’s influence on the Church.
• The dangers of contemplative prayer.

About the Guest
Before becoming a Christian, Marcia Montenegro was involved for many years in Eastern spiritual beliefs (Hindu and Buddhist), New Age, and Occult practices. She was also a certified, professional astrologer who taught Astrology for several years and served as chairperson of the Astrology Board of Examiners (ABE) and President of the Astrological Society in Atlanta, GA. She has articles published in various magazines and written chapters included in books on the New Age and Occult topics. Marcia has a Master’s Degree in Religion from Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC. Marcia serves as a missionary with Fellowship International Mission (FIM), Allentown, PA. Based in Arlington, VA she is the mother of an adult son and also the author of SpellBound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids (Cook, 2006).Marcia’s CANA website is christiananswersforthenewage.org.

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