Non-Aligned Movement Belgrade to Belgrade

1 year ago

Belgrade 1961, the first non-alignment summit conference, Yugoslav President Marshal Tito, India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, President Sukarno of Indonesia, President Nasser of Egypt and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana - lay the foundation for the future of the Non- Aligned Movement. The concept of Panchsheel found a clear expression in the non-alignment. Belgrade 1989, September 3. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi accompanied by his wife Sonia arrives here for the ninth NAM summit. The Indian dignitaries are received by the Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister, Alexander Mitrovic. From a 25-member non-aligned movement in 1961, it has now grown in strength to 102 nations, two-thirds of the world's nation-states. The outgoing Chairman Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe greets the new Chairman of NAM Yugoslav President Janez Drnovsek. Ninth NAM summit, the UN Secretary General Perez De Cueller is one of the distinguished invitees. Speeches by Rajiv Gandhi are included in this film. From the Government of India, Ministry of Information, Films Division.

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