Open Your Eye Ep76 - with Rebecca Forshey

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Open Your Eye Ep76 - with Rebecca Forshey

Joint hosts Kim & Tarra are joined by one of our listeners. Rebecca Forshey is with us to discuss her journey with natural therapy and micro dosing mushrooms

Rebecca Forshey AKA "Becca's World" is Cannabis Advocate, Mental Health Advocate, & Domestic Violence Survivor, who is also utilizing medicinal mushrooms.

Rebecca has had a well-rounded life, "wearing many hats" as she says in the work force.
A natural therapy advocate, she utilizes cannabis PTSD, depression and pain management as well as psilocybin.
Her children now grown and beginning lives of their own, Becca says "I'm at this time in my life of finding just who the hell this Rebecca is.

Kim and Tarra discuss life as an "empty nester" with Rebecca Forshey and how natural therapy can help with finding ourselves as we leave the role of nurturer tonight on Open Your Eye on NOK Network

#OpenYourEyeShow #NOKnetwork #psychedelicthursdays

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