1 year ago

I probably get asked the same questions every single day, multiple times. What healed your long covid? I reply with fasting. They say: According to your username, im guessing it’s dry fasting.

That’s not the best segway into persuading someone that fasting is the key to healing their long covid. Do you think I’m not aware of how scary fasting can be to a total newbie? Thank god intermittent fasting is now finally mainstream. Can you imagine how hard the conversation would have been 10 years ago when I was looked at like a lunatic for water fasting?

The point is that the key to healing almost ALL of your current illnesses is a combination of activating epigenetics, sirtuins, stem cells, and autophagy.

Sounds simple enough, but its much more difficult in practice. It requires something called hormesis. It means STRESSORS. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That needs to become your mantra, embrace it.

Yes, once you get past that barrier you need to understand how to target your deficiencies, how to stress your body enough to trigger healing, and how to ramp up exercise. But it’s all do-able. I want to finish on what I tell people daily. Yes, water fasting can work, but dry fasting is the speed run. It all depends on how much time you want to give yourself. Years or months?

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