Gloomy Gus

1 year ago

Is your soul affected by gloomy days? Does your attitude need sunshine to be able to smile? I have been there and done this! Had a soul atmosphere of gloom if the weather was bad, or if something didn’t go the way I planned. I have been a “Gloomy Gus” so many times until I realized that my happiness was a choice for joy and joy was found in my connection with God. God Joy is a strength like no other! I love this joy because no matter what external was happening, internally I was good, it was well with my soul! God’s joy doesn’t need sunshine, it is a choice to choose joy, to be happy because of Him, because of our future in Him. It is so incredible, our future that Jesus bought for us by His life, and no day that has no sunshine in it, that is gloomy and hard, where things are happening that we can’t even wrap our mind around, no day like this, and nothing eternal can steal our joy.

Yes, we have an enemy, and yes He wants to steal our joy because he knows this is our strength. Our future is secure from everything and every one and especially the enemy of our soul. God won that battle already! This is our joy, our unspeakable joy, our abundant joy. We can choose to be gloomy in soul because the weather of the day is gloomy or we can choose Jesus Joy. Choosing to be gloomy based on external things like weather and bad situations, I call this being a “gloomy gus”! Have you ever been a “gloomy gus”? I sure have and it is not fun! It makes a gloomy day even worse! Our soul attitudes reflecting the weather or the situations of our life is not a good choice for us and doesn’t end well, in fact it dead ends us in depressive ways.

Honestly, we have so much to be grateful for and we should reflect the joy of Jesus, our future and our hope is in Him. Gratefulness is our path to peace. So today, choose life, choose joy, and shake off that gloominess in your soul. It is a good day when we say say no to gloomy gus, not even letting the gloom enter our soul, and mess with our heart attitudes. We say “YES” to the joy of Jesus! We yield our day with all its God methods and purposes in play, to the Sovereign Will of our God, Who knows best for us and is working all the gloom and doom out for our good. What an amazing AWE-GOD He is!

Dig Deeper:
“You, O God, sent the reviving rain upon your weary inheritance, showers of blessing to refresh it.”Psalms 68:9 TPT
Constant Joy:

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