about 50 game recommendations for steam (read description)

1 year ago

forgot to name the first game, it's called boltgun, all games are on steam except starcraft 2 and possibly helldivers, and possibly ion fury (which I've got on good old games)
probably should mention skyrim, since I played the baseline game and most of the DLC on PS3, but on computer (it's on steam) it's got thousands of modifications (mods) available
I think I failed to mention divinity original sin 1 and 2, finished DOS 1, both have real time exploration with turn based tactical RPG combat with positioning and character switching for all but your main guy, both have excellent roleplay dialogue and are cooperative (up to 2 for DOS1 and up to 4 for DOS2), normally I hate RP'ing, but the way they implemented the roleplay in divinity original sin 1 allowed me to flirt with my girlfriend back in the day through my personal values based choices of dialogue (pretty sure that's how I seduced her actually, totally by accident, DOS 1 is very much a game to play with your significant other, DOS 2 is more for with friends I think)

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