Dr Rashid Buttar (1966-2023)

1 year ago

Post with refs in progress: https://pennybutler.com/dr-rashid-buttar/
00:00 Oct 2021 – CNN Drew Griffin “You think I have a timebomb in me?”
00:13 Oct 2021 – CNN Anderson & Griffin dissing Buttar as a dangerous nutter.
00:52 Dec 2022 – Drew Griffin Passes away
01:04 May 2023 – Dr Rashid Buttar ICU experience: thinks he was intentionally poisoned, partly after the CNN interview (Last interview, Day before his death)
01:28 (5min) Oct 2021 – The CNN Disinformation interview with Drew Griffin (01)
06:28 May 2023 – Mike Adams believes they used a high-powered bioweapon on Dr Buttar (audio only – found on Telegram with no source-links)
15:27 – Dr. Tau Braun interview with Dr Buttar on the Snake Venom hypothesis and Dr Buttar mentions he was injected with many venoms in hospital (found on Telegram with no source-links) (02)
19:43 May 22 2023 – Dr. Tau Braun interview with Stew Peters after Dr Buttar’s death (03)
32:13 (30 min) Mar 2023 – Dr Rashid Buttar details his symptoms & hospitalisation with Sayer Ji, Dr Joel Bohemier, and Ty Bollinger (04)
1:04:10 May 18 2023 – Clips from his last interview (He died on May 18 2023, and his last interview was livestreamed the day before) with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (05)
1:08:30 (9min) April 2020-Nov 2021 Compilation by Dr Rashid Buttar (06)
1:17:04 – Clip – interview with Dr Bryan Ardis talking about being poisoned. (07)
1:17:42 – Another clip from final interview day before his death.


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