Understanding Gentlemen...

1 year ago

The Afghan Whigs - Gentleman

WEBSITE https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/

Related Article https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/lets-be-clear-i-wont-endorse-any-anti-fbi-candidate-like-i-wont-endorse-any-anti-police-candidate-end-of/

They think they’re cunning at Fox News, they were so anti defund-the police but Murdoch poor child wants to defund…the FBI instead. Let alone what I think of Murdoch. Only he and his two bold sons weren’t invited f***g girls on the treasure island? Some of the girls after all were 25, the mischievious Jew-Israeli-English-Mossad Agent (not FBI, Mossad) Jeffrey Epstein provided (for maximum security) little women from 14/15 years of age up to 25 (at 25 they were declared by Ghislaine “too old”) to include also men who were non saints but also non pedophiles on the island (or he would lose the grip on them) and eventually making them sleep with a jail bait of 17 something that might be not pedophile stuff, but still it was illegal, so “the Mossad has something about you too, fucking white american english guy”. You don’t escape.

Nonetheless Murdoch is not on any list of Jeffrey Epstein’s guests, he is the one spilling the list which can mean only one thing: he’s tipped off by the people who have the list. The Mossad?

Then the Murdochs are not that saint, the New York Post and The Sun advertised New York and Los Angeles top fraternity brothels calling them with the posh name of sex clubs, like the one run by the best friend of Kate Middleton, which is a brothel with another name. You enter you have sex with prostituites or if you’re lucky with bitches who are customers as you (or as they say, pardon as she says, Gwyneth Paltrow, if it’s true) and you pay kind of let’s imagine – no, not a world with no religion, no heaven and no cops – 1000 dollars a beer and… the prostitute is included, you fancy it was for free. Goodbye.

And it’s a sex club not a brothel. Poor Murdoch he – the trinity, Rupert Lachlan James – was not invited like the witch at Sleeping Beauty’s christening, the one who took revenge:
Perhaps they didn’t invite him because he was a competitor. Like Ford doesn’t advertise on Twitter because they’re a competitor of Tesla. Now there’s this new candidate here, Tim Scott: he’s pro-Police, against CRT, he’s black and he did very comfortable ads for being elected President, like this: (today’s video day)
He’s Evangelical, I like him. But he must not do something: a) to sell out to the Israelis and b) to start saying he defunds the FBI and/or the CIA. A President is a President, he’s not an enemy of Washington, he’s the King in Washington. I like Wray because he’s not inimical with the FBI Agents (it wouldn’t make sense) he’s the Director of the FBI not a KGB spy who thinks the FBI has too much power… These strange anti FBI and anti CIA people never accuse the MI6 or the Mossad of interfering, they try to weaken their own counter-intelligence saying it’s rather useless and rather dangerous (but… for whom?) It’s the MI6 and the Mossad that must be reined in instead: it’s they who interfere with America, whereas the FBI is American. They’re all sell-outs the people who want to weaken Washington: Trump, Alex Jones, Murdoch, Steve Bannon. None of them acused the Mossad for what they did with Jeffrey Epsteins’ pedo-island and none of them accused the MI6 “His Majesty’s CIA” for what they did with Christopher Steele, unless Christopher Steele was really acting as an independent, but his credibility came from the fact that he had worked 20 years as MI6 Russia expert, you know. He didn’t even contact FBI Officer Gaeta going personally to Rome, he called him to London. To show off what? Mmm… Because Freemasonry stands for the British Royals who are criminals and for Israel – idem – to me Gaeta met someone else in London, but that’s my opinion. Perhaps some active MI6 boss or I don’t know. It’s very authoritative a person who calls you to London in his office, why don’t you come to Rome if you want to meet me?

About the war and the vaccine Tim Scott should do like RFK Jr, but for the rest, about drugs, gay weddings and this war against the Agencies NO. We can talk. We can substitute people in the Agencies. We can talk a lot and we can talk for long. We have time.
In Britain, the most freemasonic country in the world, they want to abolish the jury during the sex trials because they can’t convict enough men. That’s your Majesty’s Kingdom: all pedophiles, all gays and a war against the straight guys. For a man to have sex will be like playing the russian roulette in the future. Do you understand? Source DailyMail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12121533/PETER-HITCHENS-rape-cases-heard-without-juries-long-scrap-them.html
Sex is not exactly a means to send men to jail. This is part of the castration program. And it is. Without jury… “Great” Britain. In the USA perhaps you can still do something and save the day. I think Tim Scott is a honest guy. And honesty is what we need now.

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