ROB SCHMITT-MATT WOLKING: Looking forward to a spirited battle 😂 MIKE HUCKABEE-DICK MORRIS

1 year ago

MATT WOLKING: Looking forward to a spirited battle 😂

MIKE HUCKABEE: I think it was an unfortunate launch of his campaign. The technical glitches are just one of those things that you just can't have when you first show up. It's like the first day you're in the restaurant business and everybody gets sick eating your dishes. I'm not sure who his consultant was who designed this whole idea of launching on Twitter but he's available if somebody would like to hire him, because my guess is he got fired this afternoon for staging this.

DICK MORRIS: Reminds me a little bit of the launch of Obamacare. Remember they had a whole big thing about it and then it crashed and People couldn't get on the site. I think that the whole theme of the DeSantis announcement, which is look at what I did in Florida, reminds me of a major league baseball game where the hitter is going up and people are comparing him to Aaron Jud and he says, look, in the minor leagues, I hit 25 home runs, by citing his record in Florida and going against Trump's record in the US
He's just like a minor league player touting his stats when he is about to go up against major league pitching.

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