Holocaust Deniers Humiliated by Inability to Explain Disappearance of Millions of Jews in Nazi Camps

1 year ago

Part II in my anti-Holocaust denial series addresses the "Where Did They Go?" problem: the failure of deniers to explain what happened to the millions of Jews who 'disappeared' in the Nazi camps.

Time Stamps:

"History Speaks" Opener 0:00-0:35

Introduction: 0:35-1:40

Various facts devastating to Holocaust deniers 1:40 - 3:22

Defining the "Where Did They Go?" Problem: The Failure of Deniers to Explain How Millions of Jews 'Disappeared' in the German Camp Systems - 3:22-3:45

How we know millions of Jews disappeared in the camps: 3:45-7:15

A quick inb4 meme disposed of 7:16 - 8:30

The "Where Did They Go?" problem is re-stated 8:31 - 10:05

The "Where Did They Go Problem?" as the Holocaust denier's "Achilles Heel"' (by Germar Rudolf's own admission): 10:06 - 13:00

'Resettlement Theory': The Deniers' 'Attempt to Respond to the "Where Did They Go?" problem': 13:00-13:47

Resettlement Theory ("Jewlantis") ridiculed and discredited: How could a 'settlement' of millions of Jews in 1940s Europe leave no physical, economic, or documentary trace? 13:47 - 17:00

Comparison between the 'Jewlantis' Deniers Allege Exist(ed) in the 1940s, and the Disappearance of the Roanoke Settlers in 1585. 17:00 - 20:31

The "Where Did They Go?" problem and resettlement (Jewlantis) theory expose Holocaust Denial as an absurdity 20:32-22:20.

22:20 23:30 - A parting challenge to deniers: Find Jewlantis!

Re: Some remarks on Germar Rudolf's visa issues: 23:33 - END

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