Troubled Water (1 of 3) Reward Challenge | Survivor: Vanuatu | S09E12: Now Who's in Charge Here?!

1 year ago

The castaways must race across a floating obstacle course in order to retrieve flags. First person to bring three flags back to shore wins reward.
Reward: The winner will receive a new Pontiac G6. The second and third placed castaways would join the winner on a road trip to a resort, where they will enjoy a night with food and a hot shower.

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Now Who's in Charge Here?! is the twelfth episode of Survivor: Vanuatu.
Challenge: Troubled Water
Winners (according to finish): Eliza Orlins, Ami Cusack and Chris Daugherty

Troubled Water (also known as Floatsam and Jetsam) is a recurring challenge on Survivor.

Castaways must race across a series of obstacles situated in the water. If they fall off an obstacle, they have to restart the obstacle from the beginning. When they reach the end of the course, they will obtain an item, then head back across the course to shore. The first person to finish the course (and in some cases, solve a puzzle with the obtained item) wins the challenge.

The challenge debuted in Survivor: Vanuatu, where it came down to Ami Cusack and Eliza Orlins as they both got their three flags. However, as they were running up to place their flags in their posts, Ami fell in the water, allowing Eliza to win the car. Coming in second and third place, Ami and Chris Daugherty joined Eliza on a road trip to a resort.

In Survivor: Cook Islands, Ozzy Lusth won yet another Immunity Challenge, beating the six other competitors to win immunity.

The challenge appeared as the final seven Immunity Challenge in Survivor: Cambodia. After Spencer Bledsoe won, Tasha Fox, who was still in the water, accidentally swallowed salt water and had to be helped out by medical.

The puzzle used in the Survivor: Cambodia iteration of this challenge was the same puzzle used in the Survivor: Worlds Apart premiere episode, "It's Survivor Warfare". Spencer remembered the puzzle from watching Worlds Apart and solved it in fifteen seconds.
In Cambodia, the course was roughly 328 feet from the puzzle tables to the floating buoys. Also, the boats used were the same ones from the Boats, Brains & Brawn challenge earlier in the season.

Expanded Cast: Following its predecessor, this season also featured eighteen castaways.
Tribe Composition: The castaways are divided into tribes of nine based on gender: The Lopevi tribe was composed of all men and the Yasur tribe was composed of all women.
Double Tribal Council: On Day 7, both tribes were forced to attend Tribal Council separately to vote out one of their own.
Tribe Switch: On Day 11, selected tribe "chiefs" were tasked to rearrange the tribes, mixing up the men and the women. Two members from both tribes joined the other.
Merged Tribe Composition: The merged tribe was composed of ten members.
Final Tribal Council Format: Two finalists faced a jury of seven. The jurors individually addressed the finalists.

Season Summary
The players were brought into the game at a native gathering, with the natives dividing the group to men and women. After the opening ceremony, the men were named the Lopevi tribe, and the women the Yasur tribe. Following the ceremony's conclusion, both groups were sent to find their camps in the dark.

At the first Immunity Challenge, Lopevi lost; mainly due to Chris' inability to cross over a balance beam. This seemed like the end of the game for him; however, he succeeded in convincing the older men of the tribe to form an alliance and vote off the younger men. At the all-female Yasur, two factions also based around age quickly emerged, both fighting over Dolly's vote. With Dolly refusing to commit to either alliance, a concerned Eliza made a temporary jump to the older women to vote Dolly out.

A Tribe Switch occurred on Day 11, mixing the two tribes. At the new Lopevi, the men decided to invite Twila into their alliance, who she swore that both she and Julie would side with them come the merge. On the new Yasur, there were frequent clashes between Ami (the head of the women's...

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