Tuppware place and order

1 year ago

Please share this

my name is leanna

I have a disability called Parkinson’s disease and primary dystonia. When I was very young, I was told by the doctor that I shouldn’t be here.
I receive Deep brain stimulation (DBS) via a rechargeable battery inside me that keeps me alive. I use a wheelchair to move around but often still need help. I communicate by body language and by slowly typing on my iPad
I’ve decided that I’m not going to sit around doing nothing. I am going to conquer my disability
I have startedTupperware love it in saying that I can't get any orders much I don't know anyone who likes tupperware please have a look there is some great items

If you need help with ordering your tupperware i would be more then happy. to help u out just asked and I will help you
Or if you want to have a party to get some things that you can't afford please let me know its free to have partys

this is my shoping link

Please just have a look at the sales

https://empower.tupperware.com.au/OrderSystem/customerorder/landCatalogue.htm?token=50Rypt-qE_by2McNitu5fwKvwcX7afj0QoY4xuofLaeLLYcOzS64gN2PDv2eiO2I please share this link with your family and friends would really appreciate your help and support
Kindly thank you Leanna

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