Demonstrating facemask effectivity

1 year ago

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some interesting academic proof showing e.g. mr. Fauci knowing about lethal causes:


English meaning Dutch (kind of sarcastic) text in video:

upper line: "functions best"
lower line: "those facemasks"


(Nederlandse vertaling onderstaande optioneel via copy/paste en services zoals


demonstrates the dysfunctionality of regular facemasks with e.g. viruses, demonstrated via condensating breath. many viruses are (much) smaller than water droplets.

while most types of facemasks, so called regular facemasks, aren't meant to stop viruses and more meant to avoid e.g. saliva coming into open wounds while talking at E(mergency)R(esponse) -which is rather why researchers at microbiology laboratories wear sort of 'hazmat suits' with potential hazardous microbiology such as viruses-, there is also another complication;

so while most types of facemasks, so called regular facemasks, aren't really stopping viruses, such as clearly demonstrated at this video post, these facemasks DO however obstruct the refreshing of breath out air, meaning:

these facemasks hinder the refreshing of air breath out, resulting to larger amounts of such as virus particles inhaled by its wearers.

to explain why that is not so healthy and not such a good measurement while dealing with situations such as a pandemy;

see more clearly via fontsize etc:
(Dutch version: )

or as plain text file:
(Dutch version: )

so people do *NOT* protect each other from viruses with wearing so called regular facemasks, and most wearing of most types of facemasks do *NOT* stop viruses and rather stimulate spread and disease than prevent it. legal developments to oblige facemasks without obliging refreshing/renewal of facemasks PLUS enforce also that, are basically per definition jeopardizing common interest even in combination with facemasks that DO provide sufficient barrier stopping virus particles to pass by (more expensive type of facemask, not easily commonly available and applicable with the mass of people and more of handy in situations when virus spread has not massively occurred yet).

so to speak, as an example.

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