NFSC to Celebrate Its 3rd Anniversary on June 4.

1 year ago

05/23/2023 Nicole on Outside the Beltway: The New Federal State of China (NFSC) will celebrate its 3rd anniversary on June 4. It will be a beautiful celebration of the Chinese people's desire for freedom and the American dream. It will remember all those who lost their lives for freedom and paid a great price for it. Also, it represents the wish of the Chinese people to work with the American people to begin the overthrow of the CCP in the United States. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/23/2023 妮可做客Outside the Beltway:新中国联邦将于6月4日举行三周年庆典。这是对中国人民渴望自由和美国梦的美丽庆祝,将纪念所有为自由而失去生命、为之付出巨大代价的人们。同时,它也代表了中国人民希望与美国人民合作,在美国开始推翻中共的愿望。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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