U.S. Should Stop Funding CCP and Undo Failed Appeasement Policy

1 year ago

05/23/2023 Nicole on Outside the Beltway: After the Tiananmen Square massacre, President George H. W. Bush adopted a policy of appeasement toward the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Furthermore, both Bush and later Clinton helped the CCP join the World Trade Organization. Silicon Valley and Wall Street even increased their investments in the CCP, enabling its survival and growth. Therefore, we ask the United States to stop funding the CCP so that America can be great again. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/23/2023 妮可做客Outside the Beltway:天安门大屠杀发生后,时任总统布什却对中共采取了绥靖政策,不仅如此,布什及后来的克林顿总统帮助中共加入了世界贸易组织,硅谷和华尔街甚至加大了对中共的投资,使其得以生存并发展壮大。因此,我们呼吁美国停止资助中共,这样美国才能再次伟大。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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