APRIL 14 superstitious feelings PT 2

1 year ago

The Hero's Return Vanguishes all hypocrite weak wimpy moralizers.

I'm a part time life coach, high end sports massage technician for men only, by highly advanced scheduling only, zero same week appointments. https://twitter.com/GeneralVeritass, OptimizationCoach@proton.me.
I'm part of the Cerule enterprise! Woot. https://OptimizationCoach.cerule.com
Cerule is a biotech company that sells proven, one-of-a-kind wellness products that are backed by over 17 years of scientific research, clinical trials.

Why men are soo ashamed and humiliated at watching me in my utterly comfortable, functional and attractive as heck, extremely tight figure forming leggings.?
Because, they're afraid to RISK liking them, AND all the socially risky consequences of it all. LOL.

Why do you bother to torture yourself, with crushing tiny belt, too tight leggings, that cause too much sweating, itchiness, and chaffing?

Your projecting infinitely on me and my world. Because of my strict adherence to our species appropriate specific diet, I experience zero of your knowledge claim. LOL.

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