Bri Dressen, Covid Vaccine Injury: Bringing the Unseen Into the Light

1 year ago

This interview with Bri Dressen is the first in the Forti-fy Podcast series: "Covid Vaccine Injury: Bringing the Unseen Into the Light."
If you prefer to listen on audio, click here:
Podcast on Simplecast:
The goal is simply for all of you to hear the unconscionable cruelty, silencing and abandonment the injured have faced in their efforts to merely be heard and find help, and then hopefully inspire you to do what you can to help the unseen be seen!

Bri Dressen has a history of caring for those around her, so it was a natural outworking of her character to volunteer to be part of the covid vaccine trials.

WIthin an hour of her first, and only, shot her life began on a trajectory of severe adverse reactions.  Being abandoned by pharmaceutical companies, our gov't health agencies and medical community, despair left her feeling suicide was the only answer.

Thankfully, through the incredible support of her husband and family she started learning how to live, one breath at a time. 

Over time she found many others like herself via social media - until of course "the powers that be" shut them all down, which has now lead to her being part of a lawsuit against the president and government agencies.

Through all of this, even while daily struggling with debilitating injuries, Bri, true to character, has persevered and is now the co-founder of React 19 where the main goal is to help the injured get help they need and not lose hope.

Listen in to hear her tell the story that I have often heard her say:  "I would never have believed this could happen, had I not walked through it myself."

Links discussed:

Please consider donating to React19! NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL!

You can also text: REACT to 50155

If you are injured please check out all the React 19 resources:

To read about the lawsuit click here:
“Through threats, pressure, inducement, and coercion, Defendants now work in concert with social media companies to censor content the government deems ‘disinformation,’ ‘misinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’—a feat that the government could never lawfully accomplish alone,” the 124-page suit, filed in U.S. court in southern Texas, states.

In regards to censorship, it is interesting to note that the reason my Rumble account is not  "Forti-fy" is because I had been so censored that I picked a name I didn't think would "follow me."  

Make a call or set up an appointment to speak to your legislator! They need to be made aware of all that has happened. FInd your legislator here:

Share this information with your county health departments and any medical professionals you know.

View - and share - this short video to see and hear the desperate pleas of those who have been injured. We simply must make these voices heard:

We cannot continue to do this to our fellow man.
This must change.
Please be that lifeline.

More interviews in "Covid Vaccine Injury: Bringing the Unseen into the Light" series:

Blogpost will provide links to each interview:
To view many more stories, click here:

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