Star Wars: Hour of Judgement Audiobook, Part 2/5

1 year ago

This is a popular fanfic by the well known, handofthrawn45 and fits perfectly into the greater star wars expanded universe.

Here are his notes on it;

I've always found Imperial flying ace/defector [and future in-law to the Solo family] Baron Soontir Fel to be one of the most interesting characters to come out of the Legends EU, but a crucial piece of his tale; his reunion with his wife and reenlistment with Thrawn's Empire of the Hand, has never been told.
Supposedly Zahn and Stackpole wrote the story but couldn't sell it back in the '90s, so we never got to see it. I wanted to tell that story, and decided it was a good place to add the rogue stormtrooper squad from Zahn's Allegiance and Choices of One. I wanted to flesh out some more of the Empire's fabled Grand Admirals. Along with Thrawn, I decided to work with two admirals only described in source material, specifically Grand Admiral Makati (who I turned into tragic hero) and Grand Admiral Grant (who's more of a dick).

All those ideas ended up snowballing until I ended up with a nice long tale of war, espionage, and politics that ties together all sorts of threads from the Legends EU, explores characters new and familiar, and finally tells one of that saga's most important untold tales. It's a bridge between the X-wing comics and novels, a third installment about the Hand of Judgment, and (for good measure) a prequel of sorts to the Thrawn Trilogy and I, Jedi.

As for chronology, it takes place after the X-wing comics and The Shadows of Mindor, before the X-wing novels, and during the events of Dark Forces: Jedi Knight.

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