Texas Calamity Prophesy: 10 Commandments Abomination & Crooked Buildings Downtown WILL COLLAPSE

1 year ago

This is the final part of the Texas prophecy using downtown Austin and the state capital to show you that God will judge Texas by the multitude of their idols according to Ezekiel 14 and also acts 17 when Paul with an Athens speaks about idols... ILLUMINATI SATANIC IMAGERY ALL OVER EVERYWHERE...

Part One Using Austin's Q2 Futbol Stadium with the theme of the dragon, Kabala tree, Denver Airport style mural w/Illuminati satanic programming symbolism


Part Two Using The University of Texas bell clock tower w/WW2 Memorial at South Mall of UT-Austin


Why do foolish constantinian Christians today maintain that it's only about the humanities art and history philosophies and such? That is what St Augustine actually maintained when he mixed platonism with the Bible to form his own city of God garbage philosophy that has brought us to today's point of mystery Babylon as he aided and abetted Constantine's edict of Milan in 313 AD and was quite instrumental in formulating a butchered Canon of scripture, 19 and post nice and councils creeds and confessions that are based on traditions of men and have tainted the TRUE doctrines of Christ AND HAVE TAKEN OUT MIRACLES HEALING CASTING OUT OF DEMONS ETC...

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