4th dimensional workers Union! (clip from LIVE 6/12/22)

1 year ago

“Interdimensional workers unite! You have nothing to lose but lose but your BRAINS”… get it? Cause the brain performs a limiting effect on consciousness? Get it? It’s a play on…ahhh you get it! #nerdhumor…or #metaphysicshumor …

Side bar I’m not gonna wish y’all happy new year cause the new year begins in spring and not in the dead of winter.

The #springequinox marks the start of a new year and you can observe it with your own eyes as new life springs forth in nature.

March is the first month of the year, featuring #aries the first sign of the zodiac. July-Latin: quintilis is the fifth month, September is the 7th month ( septem is Latin for 7,) october (octigenti /8), November (Novem- nine in Latin,) December (Decem is ten in Latin) is the tenth month etc…
If masses of people can be confused about or deceived into (depending on your perspective) thinking a new year has began when it hasn’t, what else can they be convinced of?
Probably me just overthinking it ha…ha…ha 🙃

#consciousness #simulationtheory #weareinasimulation #paralleluniverse #multiverse #dystopianserver #mandelaeffect #aliens #et #4thdensity #4thdimension #shadowwork #shadowworkers #quantumphysics

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