Pentagon Attack AI - Will This Trick Bring Us to Civil War?

1 year ago
154 Use code YT10 for 10% off. Yesterday, the Pentagon was attacked. We saw it with our own two eyes—a picture of the explosion, accompanied by a huge cloud of smoke, next to the stately and iconic building. A Twitter red alert stated, "Large explosion near the Pentagon complex in Washington D.C." Confusion ensued, emergency units were alerted, and Wall Street began selling off. Russian state media picked up the news story and retweeted it to its 3 million followers. Things were escalating rapidly. However, right before further chaos erupted, it abruptly stopped.

You see, it was a hoax—a complete hoax—created by an AI-generated image that went viral after being tweeted by a news-sounding Twitter account called BloombergFeed, which, by the way, has since been suspended.

Now, to be honest, prior to this incident, I wasn't as concerned about AI ruling the world as some other people were. However, after this event, I'm starting to change my perspective.

You see, folks, I believe that AI is a tool for mankind—a wonderful, amazing, new technology. But it's just a tool. And like other tools, it performs the tasks it was designed for by its creators.

Most tools are designed for good purposes—to hammer a nail, to mow a lawn, to calculate numbers, to answer questions. However, sometimes even well-intentioned tools end up being used for evil.

Yet, there are also tools specifically designed for evil, operating under the guise of good. That's what worries me now.

AI possesses the power to control our minds, shape our opinions, manipulate our emotions, and influence our actions.

And what I am worried about is how AI in the wrong hands will be used and abused to control us. Let's face it—they want us to be passive, obedient, submissive, even enslaved. Our own government, the alphabet agencies, rogue individuals of the deep state, foreign governments, and NGOs will all utilize AI to manipulate us and fulfill their ill-intended, destructive, and manipulative agendas.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and while we have all been impressed with the written output of AI applications like ChatGBT when we ask questions and receive intelligent, albeit often biased, answers within seconds, to me, the real marvel is visual AI.

Just look at these AI-generated images—they took a mere 30 seconds to query and generate—and tell me they're not convincing. These AI programs can render anything your mind can imagine, instantly. And if you're not satisfied with the first result, you can simply request a new and entirely unique one. It's truly amazing.

And guess what? Soon, these static still pictures will evolve into moving pictures—films that are very real, very believable, very convincing, and very manipulative. They will be designed to incite emotions and prompt actions from their intended audience.

Gone are the days when you needed a multimillion-dollar movie studio or animation house. This technology will be at your fingertips. We are perhaps just a couple of years and a few iterations of our next-generation microchips away from achieving that level of speed.

Remember when we saw Carrie Fisher as a young Princess Leia in the last Star Wars movie, even though she was deceased? I was astounded. How did they accomplish that? She appeared so real, right there on the screen, delivering lines she never uttered. Well, that's the kind of thing we will witness every day and everywhere in the near future.

And when the evening news gets the story wrong because they are rushing or, worse, conspiring to deceive their audience, we are in trouble. When we can no longer distinguish between what's real and what's fabricated, we lose touch with reality and start behaving in irrational and foolish ways because our emotions overpower our logic.

Just imagine the consequences. If we encounter AI-generated falsehoods such as:

Streams of people lining up at hundreds of banks, attempting to withdraw their money.
Inbound nuclear bombs obliterating our cities or fake battles being fought and won or lost.
Race-incited atrocities prompting entire populations to take to the streets.
Civil unrest and riots driving people to arm themselves and potentially shoot at anything they perceive as a threat.
Moreover, if our leaders appear on television and disseminate completely false information that compels people to take action, the damage will already be done by the time we discover it was all fake. The consequences will be dire, and the chaos will be unleashed.

@FoxNews @oann @NewsmaxTV @NewsNationTV
#foxnews #breakingnews #conservative

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