The Rotten Tomatoes App to Expose Rotten Politicians w/ John Paul Moran

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Making the Rotten Tomatoes App to Expose the Rotten Politicians

Vem Miller interviews John Paul Moran. John Paul Moran is founder and CEO of Grand Opportunity USA “GOUSA”, a 501(c)4 nonprofit and the new “GO UNITED” 501(c)3 nonprofit, former 2020 Republican nominee for Congress in the Massachusetts 6th District, and creator of the revolutionary new OppScore® political credit rating system and app. He wrote the 2016 book Cues for Conservatives and the soon to be released pro-Liberty human rights document, the “Universal Bill of Human Rights”, and is a multiple-time entrepreneur, video journalist, visual artist, surfing apparel & films company founder, NCAA All-American track athlete, former MIT space telescope scientist, Chief Marketing Officer, and 6th generation great nephew of President Thomas Jefferson.
John Paul’s trademark motto is: “It’s not Left vs Right or Red vs Blue, it’s really THEM vs YOU”. He is focused on holding our government officials 100% accountable, fighting tyranny and supporting the Will of the People - the “forgotten 80%” of common sense, everyday citizens.
His mission is to motivate, educate and mobilize citizens of all backgrounds to advance American values and our God-given human rights, and to advocate for their personal, economic, social, educational, and national interests and needs in line with GOUSA’s “Five Points of Opportunity”. With a moral imperative to educate and move people to action to save our republic, he is dedicated to uniting the country, holding our elected officials accountable, and reaching a wider audience of voters to preserve our freedoms, liberties & prosperity in America for generations to come. While Moran has been involved in Republican Party politics, he is independent-minded and approaches his political work from a common sense, non-partisan lens.
John Paul is a practicing Catholic and gay with a large extended family in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, Hawaii and from coast to coast, and is the proud uncle of Lt. Kevin Moran who serves in the US Navy as a “Top Gun” Weapons Systems Officer on the USS George H.W. Bush. John Paul has created and developed the “OppScore®”, the first-of-its-kind nonbiased and universal political credit rating system and app with the support of GOUSA’s CTO Jonathan Linowes and the team at GOUSA, which was promoted to support the victories of over 50 Congressional and gubernatorial races in 2022. John Paul is focused on further developing an advanced interactive OppScore mobile app and hiring and directing 100 citizen OppScore “Special Agents” to monitor, track, expose and rate the most powerful politicians in America.
Moran will be launching his new video podcast show in early 2023, “John Paul Moran’s THEM vs YOU! Show” followed by the coming “GOUSA OppScore Report” show. He has been invited to speak at events from coast to coast and plans to positively impact and reform politics in America – then, around the world - through his work at GOUSA and GO UNITED.
TOP 3 Social Media: IG: @opportunity4usa Grand Opportunity USA - GOUSA (@opportunity4usa) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook: Grand Opportunity USA | Boston MA | Facebook
Youtube: Grand Opportunity USA - YouTube

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