Modi Government's Defense Policy and its Impact #indianarmy #india

1 year ago

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India, a rising power in South Asia, has a formidable task to ensure its security from potential threats, primarily from its nuclear-armed neighbours, China and Pakistan. The emergence of the Modi government in 2014 was marked by a narrative of 'muscular' nationalism, characterized by a robust approach towards national security and foreign policy. However, despite this bold narrative and the call for 'atmanirbharta' or self-reliance, the past nine years have revealed a glaring gap in India's defence capability. This article seeks to delve into the shortcomings of the Modi government's approach to defence and security and the challenges that lie ahead.
Since 2014, all three of India's military services – the army, navy, and air force – have persistently highlighted their individual equipment shortages. The scarcity of combat aircraft, the shrinkage of the conventional underwater fleet, and the enduring lack of artillery guns are just some of the critical issues hampering India's military preparedness. Even the efforts towards domestic production of defence equipment seem to be focusing on trivialities like nuts and bolts, while the gaping deficits in strategic military hardware remain largely unresolved.
One of the challenges that have recently added to India's defence deficiency is Russia’s growing inability to provide vital weapon systems, spares, and related components, due to US-led sanctions against Moscow for its war in Ukraine. Over 60% of the Indian military's equipment is Russian-made, and this scenario has further complicated India's defence procurement process.

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