Pulling on the threads inadvertently provided by Malone and uncovering the real perpetrators of 9/11

1 year ago

I.e. both 9/11s! Extremely encouraging developments lately: A team of investigative journalists are slowly but surely starting to identify the key individuals involved in not only the "9/11" that was the orchestrated "corona crisis", but in the original 9/11 22 years ago. Any "truther" channel that is not starting to talk about names and topics like investigator George Webb, Alchem, Leidos, Dynport/Dyncore, 9/11, anthrax and Mozzad is either run by shills or by idiots. That is just how it is. The web of connections now being pulled into the daylight by journalists like Webb is truly amazing. We have Malone and Alchem, the vaping company, we have Leidos nanoparticles for tagging, we have Fort Dietrick and the mysterious "vaping illness", we have Michael Callahan and his adventures in China, we have Nick Jacobs and the strange meeting on the morning of the original 9/11, we have people directly involved with Israel's MOZZAD, and we have all the wonderful grants and patents that came in the wake of the stunningly perfect collapse of three buildings built to withstand multiple airplane impacts. This is getting really beautiful, in the sense of encouraging and revealing. The light of Justice is starting to glimmer on the far horizon, and a lot shady characters are going to start peeing in their pants very soon, as this whole terrible jigsaw puzzle begins to come together. America may still have a future. The whole catastrophic disease of infiltration and fake terror attacks and fake wars on "terror", going all the way back to 2001, and before that to the Kennedy killings, could still be treated and healed. Justice might still be done after all. There is nothing hidden that will not become manifest! Support George Webb & co if you can, for this is looking very promising indeed. https://twitter.com/i/status/1659543879480213504
2:57 pm, 19 May 2023

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