Will Your Criminal History Keep You From Getting a Security Officer License?

1 year ago

From the author of the Unarmed Security Prep Guide and administrator of The Security Officer Network, this educational YouTube video explores a commonly asked question, "Can I work security if I have a felony?"

In this comprehensive guide, the presenter navigates the often complex landscape of state regulations and laws regarding security licensure for individuals with criminal records. He emphasizes that while the specifics vary from state to state, many don't automatically disqualify applicants based on their criminal history.

The presenter highlights the process of obtaining a security license, stressing the importance of disclosing any criminal history during the application process. He outlines how minor offenses, especially those committed long ago, may not hinder an applicant's chances, while serious crimes, particularly those involving violence, dishonesty, or a breach of trust, might pose significant barriers.

Drawing upon legal precedents that mandate equal protection for felons, the presenter affirms the potential for rehabilitation and positive change, explaining that states are obliged to consider the circumstances of an individual's life, including their rehabilitation efforts, age at the time of conviction, and the nature of their crime.

The video delves into specifics with an example from Florida's regulations on security licensing. There, an individual with a past felony can obtain a security license, provided the crime is at least ten years in the past and they can demonstrate a commitment to living responsibly.

The presenter also introduces a helpful trick for individuals unsure of their application's success: a criminal history pre-screening process. This pre-determination method can save potential applicants the hassle and expense of submitting an application that may get rejected.

Finally, the presenter urges viewers to remain updated on changes in state policies, giving examples from California and Maryland, and encourages anyone serious about a career in security to join The Security Officer Network for further support and resources.

This insightful video is a valuable resource for those aiming to enter the security field despite past mistakes, providing information and encouragement to help them navigate the hurdles and forge a promising career path.

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List of State Licensing Agencies

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