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May 1 2017 Portland may day 1.10 Police come to clear out Antifa burning things
1 year ago
May 1 2017 Portland may day 1.10 Police come to clear out Antifa burning things. people in green hats are National Lawyers Guild (Commies) who have been around protecting Hollywood and actual commies back in the cold war, now they do stuff for far left groups such as Antifa and BLM. Watch more riots in order using the playlists:
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 2017 Portland may day 1.7 Antifa throwing more smoke bombs at police
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 2017 Portland may day 1.6 Antifa threw rocks and a Molotov cocktail police cancels event
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 2017 Portland may day 1.5 smoke bomb was thrown at riot police blocking Antifa
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 2017 Portland may day 1.1 Antifa with large spiders
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 2017 Portland may day 1.2 Antifa start chanting in the streets
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 portland may day 1.12 antifa throws flare into building police tell them to leave
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoFeb 2 2017 NYU 3.2 Police give a warning to Antifa
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 2017 Portland may day 1.3 Antifa marching, one has a slingshot and used it
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoMay 1 2017 Portland may day 1.9 Antifa starts Newsstand bonfire on sw Morrison and forth
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Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoApril 27 2017 Paris 1.2 Antifa vs French Police