Artificial Reefs Could Safeguard Taiwan from PLA Navy and Transform Amphibious Warfare

1 year ago

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Game-Changing Strategy - 0:00
The Strategy of Artificial Reefs - 0:43
Broadening the Scope of Defense - 2:14
The Role of Special Forces - 2:59
The Imperative for External Support - 4:39
Conclusion and Closing Remarks - 5:11

In the ongoing global discourse concerning Asia-Pacific security, the Taiwan issue looms large. Taiwan's strategic location, vibrant democracy, and technological prowess make its status a matter of international concern. Recently, the US has reiterated its support to Taiwan, promising an "unlimited" supply of deadly weapons akin to the aid extended to Ukraine. Amid these geopolitical tremors, an innovative idea has surfaced from a US military expert, proposing artificial reefs as a novel deterrence strategy against potential Chinese amphibious assaults on Taiwan. This unconventional approach offers both strategic and ecological advantages.

The Strategy of Artificial Reefs.
Scott Savitz, a renowned senior engineer at the RAND Corporation, has proposed an ingenious military strategy that harnesses the power of environmental structures for defense: the creation of artificial reefs to disrupt potential Chinese seaborne forces aiming to traverse the Taiwan Strait. These structures would be designed to serve as formidable impediments to Chinese vessels, potentially causing them to run aground or become impaled on the sturdy reefs. Such incidents would render vessels as "stationary targets", markedly diminishing their operational capability and substantially increasing their vulnerability to counterattacks. This effect could extend beyond the afflicted vessels themselves. Given the necessary proximity of ships and landing craft during an amphibious assault, a few immobilized units could significantly disrupt the mobility of the entire fleet. This would create a ripple effect, significantly reducing the tempo of Chinese operations and offering Taiwan valuable time and strategic advantages to organize an effective counter-offensive. Additionally, the psychological impact of the potential danger posed by the reefs could play a crucial role in dissuading China from pursuing an amphibious assault. This could reframe the Taiwan Strait from a mere body of water to a strategic obstacle laden with hazards. Examples of such disruptions already exist, in instances where warships like the USS Guardian and a US Military Sealift Command vessel have run aground on natural reefs. More recently, large cargo ships in Jordanian and Belizean waters met the same fate, demonstrating that even in peacetime and under non-hostile conditions, navigation around reefs presents significant challenges.

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