Mind-Blowing UFO Disclosure Coming Soon? Steve Bassett's Insights

1 year ago

Join Chris Lehto in this intriguing episode of Lehto Files as he explores the possibility of a groundbreaking UFO disclosure. In a recent conversation, renowned UFO researcher Steve Bassett discusses the potential for disclosure this summer, backed by two weeks of hearings that will leave Congress members astounded. The testimonies of witnesses are expected to shake people's understanding of reality. Bassett, known for his advocacy since 1996, sheds light on the significance of disclosure, envisioning a moment when world leaders, including the U.S. President, reveal the existence of non-human intelligence on Earth. Delve into the interview in the link provided to uncover the fascinating details surrounding the UFO disclosure movement. Premieres tonight at 6 PM ET.

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That UFO Podcast Steve Bassett

Paradigm research group Media Release

Daily Mail article

Com. Sgt. Maj. Robert O. Dean NATO UFO interview

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